
This parameter is a type of displacement where the deviation is calculated from the actual stacking line.

The bow plane (as specified by the bow angle, bow x, and bow y parameters in the Tolerance file) is intersected with the CONCAVE or CONVEX (methods) side of the airfoil. This point is the reference point for the true position calculation.

BOWT is Bow expressed as a true position value. Previously, you could call out BOW X and Y errors; now, you can report it as a true position value: BOWT = 2*sqrt(BOWX^2 + BOWY^2)

Lean, displacement, and bow are shown below.

Displacement - Bow - Lean Tolerancing Scheme

Using the DLB Method

  1. The root section is reported to the root datums.

  2. The tip section is reported to the root section.

  3. All of the in-between sections are reported to the line zeroing the root and tip sections.

Using the Zero Method

Bow reference sections are reported as zero.

Using the Centroid Method

The centroid method (the center of the mass of the airfoil shape) compares the nominal shape centroid to the measured shape centroid.

Using the BASELEAN and TIPLEAN Calculation Methods

Following is an example of the BASELEAN and TIPLEAN calculation methods:


In the example above: