If you receive a PC-DMIS "Emergency Error", it means that the CMM is in an emergency condition. This condition occurs at these and similar times:
If you press the E-Stop button on your jog box
If the probe collides with something
If the probe deflection is too quick
PC-DMIS passes the error message to Inspect whenever Inspect attempts to communicate with PC-DMIS during this error condition. This typically happens during the initial connection to PC-DMIS or during measurement routine execution.
During the Initial Connection to PC-DMIS
If PC-DMIS is in an emergency error condition when Inspect tries to establish a connection with PC-DMIS, a PC-DMIS "Emergency Error" appears in a small message box. This message contains OK and Shutdown buttons.
Resolve the error condition on the CMM.
On the message box, click OK.
Alternately, you can click Shutdown to close PC-DMIS entirely. Once you resolve the CMM error condition, Inspect needs to re-establish communications with PC-DMIS.
During Execution
If PC-DMIS is in an emergency error condition during execution, the bottom bar turns red and says "Emergency Error".
Resolve the error condition on the CMM.
Then from the bottom bar, click execute ()
to continue the execution.
If you click the Cancel button that appears near the bottom bar, then the emergency error is still not resolved. In this case, the PC-DMIS "Emergency Error" appears in a small message box. This message contains OK and Shutdown buttons.
Resolve the error condition on the CMM.
On the message box, click OK.
On the bottom bar, enable the Re-measure switch if you want to re-measure the feature.
Then click Done to
close the error, and click execute () to continue
the execution.
Alternately, you can click Shutdown to close PC-DMIS entirely. Once you resolve the CMM error condition, Inspect needs to re-establish communications with PC-DMIS.