Declare Statement

  1. Declare Sub procedurename Lib Libname$ [Alias aliasname$][(argument list)]

    Declare Function procedurename Lib Libname$ [Alias aliasname$] [(argument list)][As Type]

    ([ByVal] variable [As type] [,ByVal] variable [As type] ]...])

If a procedure has no arguments, use double parentheses () only to assure that no arguments are passed.

For example:

Declare Sub OntTime Lib "Check" ()

Cypress Enable extentions to the declare statement. The following syntax is not supported by Microsoft Visual Basic.

Declare Function procedurename App [Alias aliasname$] [(argument list)][As Type]

This form of the Declare statement makes a reference to a function located in the executable file located in the application where Enable is embedded.


