Providing and Using Feature Locator Instructions

Probe Toolbox - Feature Locator tab

You can use the Feature Locator tab in the Probe Toolbox to provide the operator with instructions for measuring the current auto feature. You may find this useful if your measurement routine requires some operator interaction in the auto feature measurement (if the operator is working in Manual mode, for example).

To provide these instructions, type textual descriptions, take screen shots of the feature, use pre-existing bitmap images, and use prepared audio files. If the operator displays the Probe Toolbox during measurement routine execution, but prior to the feature's execution, the instructions appear.

To Provide Feature Locator Instructions

  1. Click the Feature Locator tab () in the Probe Toolbox.

  2. Add audio instructions.

  1. Add a bitmap image. You can either select a preexisting bitmap image or use a screen capture of the current Graphic Display window.

  1. Add text instructions. In the Feature Locator Text box, type the textual instructions you want to display.

  2. Click Create or OK to save the changes that you made in the Auto Feature dialog box.

To Use Feature Locator Instructions

  1. Display the Probe Toolbox during execution. If the Probe Toolbox isn't visible during execution, the instructions do not appear. To display the Probe Toolbox, do the following:


  1. View the instructions. The instructions automatically appear on the Feature Locator tab in the Probe Toolbox when PC-DMIS begins to execute the feature:

Feature Locator tab providing instructions during execution

  1. Once the associated feature has been measured, PC-DMIS removes the Feature Locator tab with its instructions from the Probe Toolbox.