Exporting a DES File

You can export your measurement routine as a DES file. A DES file is a proprietary GM format used by GM's internal applications.

To export this file, select File | Export | DES. Choose where you want to place the file, and click Export. PC-DMIS displays the DES File dialog box.

DES File dialog box

The DES File dialog box displays information on your selected DES export in the Header area; it also allows you to select additional options for your DES export.

  1. Select an alignment from the Alignment list.

  2. Select a coordinate system from the Coordinate System area.

  3. If desired, select the Marked Features Only check box to export only the marked features.

  4. If desired, select the Show Decimal Point check box to show the decimal point in the exported data.

  5. If desired, select the Output Nominal Values check box to cause PC-DMIS to create the export file from the nominal values in your measurement routine.  If you don't select this check box, PC-DMIS exports the measured feature results.

  6. Click on the Process button in the DES File dialog box to output the DES data from the selected measurement routine. PC-DMIS indicates when the file is 100% processed.

  7. Click the OK button to finish exporting the DES file.