Importing a Creo File

PC-DMIS allows you to translate a Creo (previously Pro/ENGINEER) file and import it into a PC-DMIS measurement routine. This type of import differs from interfacing directly with the Creo CAD file as described in the "Installing and Using Creo Direct CAD Interface" topic in the "Direct CAD Interfaces and Translators" documentation.

To import a Creo file:

  1. Open the measurement routine in PC-DMIS into which you are going to import the Creo file.

  1. Select the File | Import | Creo menu option to open the Import dialog box.

  2. Choose Creo Files from the file type list at the bottom of the dialog box. PC-DMIS lists files that end with these extensions: .prt and .asm.

  3. Use the Import dialog box, navigate to the folder that contains the file to import, and select the file.

  4. Click the Import button. PC-DMIS imports the CAD file. A progress bar appears and indicates its progress.

  5. If your model contains embedded GD&T callouts, PC-DMIS asks if you want to create Edit window commands from the GD&T callouts:

    • If you click Yes, the importer also imports and converts the GD&T callouts into GD&T and other Edit window commands.

    • If you click No, the importer does not convert the GD&T callouts. (You can always use the Operation | Graphic Display Window | Select GD&T menu item to convert all the CAD GD&T callouts later; or for specific callouts, you can box-select or click on them. For additional information on CAD GD&T callouts, see "Working with CAD GD&T Callouts".)

During the import process, you can cancel or stop the import.