Importing a STEP File

  1. Select the File | Import | STEP menu option to show an Import dialog box.

  2. Select the data type you want to import from the file-type list.

  3. Use the Import dialog box, and navigate to the folder that contains the file to import. Then select the file.

  4. Click the Import button. PC-DMIS imports the STEP file. A progress bar appears and indicates the progress

  1. If your model contains embedded GD&T callouts, PC-DMIS asks if you want to create Edit window commands from the GD&T callouts:

    • If you click Yes, the importer also imports and converts the GD&T callouts into GD&T and other Edit window commands.

    • If you click No, the importer does not convert the GD&T callouts. (You can always use the Operation | Graphic Display Window | Select GD&T menu item to convert all the CAD GD&T callouts later; or for specific callouts, you can box-select or click on them. For additional information on CAD GD&T callouts, see "Working with CAD GD&T Callouts".)

During the import process, you can cancel or stop the import.