Importing a Solid Edge File

PC-DMIS allows you to translate Solid Edge file types and import them into a PC-DMIS measurement routine. Solid Edge is a CAD modeler that is similar to SolidWorks, NX, Creo, and CATIAv5.

To import a Solid Edge file:

  1. Open the PC-DMIS measurement routine that you are going to import the Solid Edge file into.

  2. From the main menu, select File | Import | Solid Edge to display an Import dialog box.

  3. The Solid Edge file types appear in the file-type list at the bottom of the dialog box. PC-DMIS lists files that end with extensions according to what is currently supported. Supported files are the following:

  4. Use the Import dialog box, and navigate to the folder that contains the file to import. Then select the file.

  5. Click the Import button. PC-DMIS imports the Solid Edge file. A progress bar appears and indicates the progress of the import.

  6. During the import process, you can cancel or stop the import.

    • Cancel - This button cancels the import altogether. If you already had a CAD model loaded before the import, PC-DMIS retains the previous CAD model.

    • Stop - This button stops the import, but keeps any imported CAD elements up to that point.