Importing an Inventor File

PC-DMIS allows you to import an Autodesk Inventor model into a PC-DMIS measurement routine.

You can import a part file (.ipt) as a CAD file or an assembly file (.iam) as a CAD assembly.

To import an Inventor file:

  1. Open the measurement routine in PC-DMIS into which you are going to import the inventor file.

  1. Select the File | Import | Inventor menu option to show an Import dialog box.

  2. Choose Inventor Files from the file-type list at the bottom of the dialog box. PC-DMIS lists files that end with these extensions: .ipt and .iam.

  3. Use the Import dialog box, and navigate to the folder that contains the file to import. Then select the file.

  4. Click the Import button. PC-DMIS imports the CAD file. A progress bar appears and indicates its progress.

During the import process, you can cancel or stop the import.