Importing an AVAIL or MMIV File

The AVAIL and MMIV file types are used by the Micro Measure IV measurement package. PC-DMIS allows you to import this file type into PC-DMIS measurement routines.

To import an AVAIL or MMIV file:

  1. Open the measurement routine in PC-DMIS into which you are going to import the MMIV file.

  2. Select the File | Import menu option and then select MMIV from the submenu to display an Open dialog box.

  3. PC-DMIS filters files of the .avl and .llf file types. Navigate through the available directories until you find the directory containing the needed AVAIL or MMIV file, and select that file from the list.

  4. Click the Import button to open the Choose Translation Method dialog box. It asks the method to use to import the data into the measurement routine.

Choose Translation Method dialog box

  1. Select one of the translation options, and click OK to process your request.

  2. For each TOOLCHANGE command encountered in the MMIV file, PC-DMIS prompts you to select a PC-DMIS probe file.

  3. For each TIPCHANGE command encountered in the MMIV file, PC-DMIS prompts you to select a PC-DMIS probe tip from the Select Tip dialog box’s Tip to Use list.

Select Tip dialog box

  1. Click OK (or OK All) and, as directed by on-screen instructions, repeat the previous step. When the Select Tip dialog box closes, the Select Workplane dialog box opens.

Select Workplane dialog box

  1. Select the workplane that matches your current setup, and click OK. PC-DMIS imports the data into the measurement routine.

If the MMIV measurement routine contains a BRANCH/TEST keyword or a BRANCH/LABEL command inside of a feature block, once it is imported, the respective PC-DMIS commands (IF and GOTO) are moved before the feature block.

A Note on Importing Auto Features

Be aware that PC-DMIS doesn't support the DONE/ or MEASURE/ commands in imported MMIV or AVAIL auto features. While translation still takes place, any MEASURE/; X,Y,Z,I,J,K commands will be turned into operator comments, and DONE/ commands are ignored.

For example, suppose you are importing this auto feature in an AVAIL or MMIV file:

CIR2= AUTO/CIR; YZPL,OC,4,12.0,6.0,-12.0,103.0,295,330
MOVE/BY; 12,5,0
MOVE/BY; 0,0,20
MEASURE/; 12.0,56.0,-22.0,0.0,-1.0,0.0039
MEASURE/; 12.0,57.85,-16.0,0.0,-1.0,0.0
MEASURE/; 12.0,58.4,-6.0,0.0,-1.0,-0.0039

In PC-DMIS, this would translate to an AUTO CIRCLE command followed by two MOVES and three comments saying that PC-DMIS ignores the MEASURE command.