Reset Execution List

As execution progresses, PC-DMIS maintains an internal list containing all the commands that have been executed. This is called the execution list. PC-DMIS uses the execution list for generating reports in the Report window. This list is saved with the measurement routine and restored when the measurement routine is loaded.

PC-DMIS always clears out the information in this list whenever you perform a full measurement routine execution.

However, if you perform a partial execution (using execution menu items from the File | Partial Execution sub menu), it does not clear out the execution list. For example, if you perform a full execution, followed by a partial execution, the information from the full execution remains in your execution list and shows up in your report along with the partial execution information.

If you don't want this, the File | Reset Execution List menu item immediately clears out the execution list.

The ClearExecutionListPriorToProgramExecution registry entry is available to modify how the Execution List is cleared out. Details can be found in the Reporting section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor.

Additionally, the SaveExecuteList registry entry in the Reporting section in the PC-DMIS Settings Editor controls this behavior. It defaults to 1, meaning the list is saved and restored as described. If you don't want PC-DMIS to save or restore the list, change this setting to 0.