Changing Layout and Views

To change the screen layout and the orientation of the views:

  1. Access the View Setup dialog box (Edit | Graphic Display Window | View Setup).

  2. From the Layout area, select the desired screen style. For example, to split the screen into two different views of the part image, click on button two or three (in the first row). The window splits horizontally or vertically, based on the button you choose.

  3. With the drop-down list box, select the desired view orientation for each window to display. For example, to view the part image from the Z+ direction, simply select Z+ from the drop-down list box. Or, to view the same image from the Y- axis, select Y-. All of the display options only affect how PC-DMIS displays the part image. They do not affect the measured data or inspection results.

  4. If you want to display your part in the selected view of your part as a solid, select the Solid check box. You can leave the check box blank to display the part as a wireframe model.

  5. Click either the Apply button or the OK button.

To redefine the sizes of the views in the Graphic Display window:

  1. Position the pointer on the line separating the windows. The single arrow cursor changes to a double arrow.

  2. Click and drag the pointer to the desired location to change the view size.

This procedure works in either the horizontal or vertical position. You can then select the Scale To Fit option to re-scale the drawing so that it fits within the new window. For more information, see "Scaling the Drawing".

The software can be in any mode when changing the view size.