
This area applies to the Colors tab of the CAD and Graphic Setup dialog box (Edit | Graphic Display Window | Screen Color).

The Highlight area allows you to change the color used for selecting items or when hovering your pointer over surfaces or curves. To change the color, follow the directions discussed in the "To Change a Color" topic.

Selected - This option controls the color that PC-DMIS uses when you select geometric features from the CAD model. You typically need to select features from the CAD model for operations like constructions and dimensions.

The selected color during a Construction operation

Mouse over - This option controls the highlight color that PC-DMIS uses when you move the pointer over geometric features on the CAD model. PC-DMIS typically uses this color when you create QuickFeatures. (For details on creating QuickFeatures, see "Creating QuickFeatures" in the "Creating Auto Features" chapter.) PC-DMIS also uses this color for the line you drag to create a Quick Scan. (For information on the Quick Scan functionality, see "Creating Quick Scans" in the "Scanning" chapter of the PC-DMIS CMM documentation.)

Arrow Shape Mouse Pointer

The default mouse-over color during a QuickFeature operation