Showing, Animating, and Moving Path Lines

PC-DMIS has the ability to generate colored lines on the CAD model in the Graphic Display window that show the path your probe will take during execution as it measures marked features. These lines are called path lines. Path lines help you preview the path your probe will take and troubleshoot possible collision areas.

The software only generates the probe's path lines for features that follow a MODE/DCC command. If your measurement routine doesn't have a MODE/DCC command, you won't see any path lines.

The Animate Path, Regenerate Path, Optimize Path, and Collision Detection options are not available for Portable devices.

Viewing All Path Lines

Viewing Path Lines from a Cursor's Position

Viewing Path Lines for a Range of Selected Items

Changing a Path Line's Size

Changing a Path Line's Color

You can use the Path toolbar on the QuickMeasure toolbar (View | Toolbars | QuickMeasure) to work with common path line options. For more information, see the "CMM QuickMeasure Toolbar" topic in the PC-DMIS CMM documentation.


Animating the Path

Regenerating the Path

Detecting Collisions

Moving Path Lines

Related Topics:

Setup Options: Animation tab