View | CAD Info

The CAD Info menu option displays the CAD information dialog box. This dialog allows you to view information about a specific CAD Geometry. Anytime a single CAD geometry is selected, and the CAD information dialog box is open, then information about the specified CAD geometry will be displayed.

CAD Information dialog box

The selected element will also flash on the screen. At a minimum, the type of the geometry will be shown (circle, line, etc.). Also, if the CAD was imported with PC-DMIS version 3.2 or later, information about the CAD file (at the time of import) will be displayed. This includes the full path to file, the time the file was last modified, and the size (in bytes) of the file. If available, the sequence number of the element in the IGES, XYZ, etc. file will be displayed. Usually, there will be information about the geometry such as diameter, vector, or location. For complex elements such as trimmed surfaces, information about other geometries (base surface, bounding curves) will also be displayed. Selecting the View button will cause the geometry described to flash on the screen. You can select this dialog box by using the CAD Info menu option.