Dimension Info Creation Rules

(This item pertains to the Edit Dimension Info dialog box, accessible through Insert | Report Command | Dimension Info.)

When you create a DIMINFO box in the Edit Dimension Info dialog box, the Dimension List box only displays those dimensions that exist above the cursor's current position.

When you create DIMINFO boxes in Text Box mode and box-select inside the Graphic Display window, PC-DMIS does not create a DIMINFO box for every selected feature. It only creates them for features that exist above the cursor's current position.

If the measurement routine has multiple viewsets, the DIMINFO box only appears in the viewset that contains the corresponding dimension and lower. For example, suppose that your measurement routine has these commands:







You could only add a DIMINFO box for feature F1 if the insertion point existed below D1. Once the DIMINFO box is created, PC-DMIS shows it in VIEWSET3 and 4, but not in VIEWSET1 and 2.