Display Options

(This item pertains to the Edit Dimension Info dialog box, accessible through Insert | Report Command | Dimension Info.)

The Display Options area allows different display possibilities for each dimension within the Graphic Display window.

The following options available are:

Show Icon check box
This check box toggles the displays the appropriate dimension icon in the header portion of the Dimension Info box.

Show Dimension ID check box
This check box toggles the ability to display the ID for the dimension within the Graphic Display window.

Show Feature ID check box
This check box toggles the ability to display the ID for the feature whose dimensions are being measured.

Show Headings check box
This check box toggles the display of row and column headings in the Dimension Info box.

Show Vertical Lines check box
This check box toggles the display of the vertical lines between columns inside the Dimension Info box.

Show Horizontal Lines check box
This check box toggles the display of the horizontal lines between rows inside the Dimension Info box.