Import a SolidWorks Part File

When you import a SolidWorks part into PC-DMIS, PC-DMIS creates attributes in the SolidWorks part file. These attributes are required to allow PC-DMIS to match imported CAD objects back to their original SolidWorks’ representations.

  1. Select File | Direct CAD Interfaces | SolidWorks to open an Import dialog box.

  2. Navigate to the folder that contains the file you want to import.

  3. Select the SolidWorks part (a file with a .SLDPRT or .SLDASM extension).

  4. Click Import. The Import dialog box closes, and PC-DMIS imports the selected file.

  5. Use PC-DMIS as usual.

During the import process, you can use the Cancel button to cancel the import. If you already had a CAD model loaded before the import, PC-DMIS retains the previous CAD model.