To establish communications with the NX DCI, you may need to modify some NX registry entries.
Open the Settings Editor.
Next to the NX section, click on the plus sign (+) to expand the list.
Modify the PortNumber, PartLoadTimeout, CommandTimeout and Version registry entries:
PortNumber - Specifies the port number that PC-DMIS uses to communicate with the DCI. The default value is port number 5555.
PartLoadTimeout - Specifies the time in seconds that PC-DMIS waits while importing an NX file. The default value is 600 seconds.
CommandTimeout - Specifies the time in seconds that PC-DMIS waits for a response from the NX DCI when PC-DMIS is not involved in loading an NX file. The default value is 8 seconds.
Version - Sets the NX version that you're using. This version should match the version defined in the environment variables in Step 2.
Once you finish your modifications, save and close the Settings Editor.