Teamcenter Setup Options

To access the Teamcenter Setup dialog box, select File | Teamcenter | Setup.

From the Teamcenter Setup dialog box, you can choose from these options:

Automatic login - When marked, PC-DMIS uses your Windows login to connect to the Teamcenter database. When cleared, PC-DMIS shows a Teamcenter Login dialog box with username and password boxes.

Include revision in measurement routine name - When marked, this includes the revision number in the file name. This happens whenever PC-DMIS saves the measurement routine to Teamcenter. For more information, see the Revision option in the "Step 4 - Save a Measurement Routine" topic.

Save probe files - When marked, PC-DMIS saves the probe files located in the measurement routine. This happens whenever you save your routine to Teamcenter. You can use these options to decide where PC-DMIS saves the probe files:

with measurement routine - This saves the probe files in the same Teamcenter database dataset location as the measurement routine.

separate from measurement routine - This saves the probe files to some other database dataset location in the Teamcenter database.

You can use the Browse button to use the Teamcenter Open dialog box to select or create a dataset location for the probe files.

In this mode, the Teamcenter Open dialog box shows a Create button. You can click Create to use the Save As dialog box to create a new dataset location. For more information on the Save As dialog box, see "Step 4 - Save a Measurement Routine".

After you accept your changes and return to the Teamcenter Setup dialog box, the string for the selected dataset location and revision appears in the box next to the Browse button. This is the dataset location PC-DMIS uses to save the routine's probe files.