Teamcenter Troubleshooting Tips

If PC-DMIS cannot communicate with Teamcenter, these troubleshooting tips may resolve the issue:

For example, if Teamcenter is in the E:\TC91 directory, and PC-DMIS 2017 R1 (QA) is in the F:\Program Files\Hexagon\ directory, this image shows what this procedure looks like:

    1. From the PC-DMIS Settings Editor, set the DebugTeamcenter registry entry to True. For information on this registry entry and the location of the debug file, see "DebugTeamcenter" in the "PC-DMIS Settings Editor" documentation.

    2. Once you set the above registry entry, attempt to connect PC-DMIS to Teamcenter again in order to generate the debug log file for Hexagon Technical Support.

Submit the ticket and the log file to Hexagon Technical Support.