Pointcloud Operator dialog box - BOOLEAN Operator

This operation is applied on one or two selected operator or COP commands.

To apply the BOOLEAN operation to a pointcloud, click Pointcloud Boolean Operation () on the Pointcloud toolbar.

The BOOLEAN operator uses the following option:

Type - Indicates the type of Boolean operator to apply: COMPLEMENT, UNITE, INTERSECT, or DIFFERENCE.

COMPLEMENT - This type generates the points that are not visible in a single selected command.

UNITE - When applied to the two selected commands, this type generates a set of data points that contains all of the points in those commands.

INTERSECT - This type generates the set of data points that have the same locations in two selected commands.

DIFFERENCE - This type removes, from the first selected command, all of the points that are in common with the second selected command.

Clicking Create after editing the command inserts a COP/OPER,BOOLEAN command into the Edit window.

For example: