Edit the Color Scale

The Edit Color Scale button is available on the Pointcloud Operator dialog box for the Point Colormap and Surface Colormap operators. It allows you to change the color scale for these operators. By default, the Min/Max values of the scale are set to the +/- tolerance values of the colormap. Different color bars can be saved and recalled using this function.

To begin:

  1. From the Pointcloud toolbar, select Pointcloud Point Colormap () or Pointcloud Surface Colormap () to show the Pointcloud Operator dialog box for the operator.

  2. If the Use dimension color scale check box is selected, click it to clear it and display the Edit Color Scale button.

  3. Click the Edit Color Scale button to display the Color Scale Editor dialog box:

Color Scale Editor dialog box

The following areas of the dialog box are described.


Levels Area

Color Scale Area

Profiles Area

Display in Scene Area

Changing a Zone's Color