Leica Tracker Interface

The parameters that control how PC-DMIS interfaces with the Leica interface can be configured by selecting the Edit | Preferences | Machine Interface Setup menu item. This opens the Machine Options dialog box. The following tabs are available:

The Machine Interface Installation Manual (MIIM) provides additional information for this interface.

You can access the MIIM help file from this link:  .

Minimum continuous scanning time and distance settings enforced by PC-DMIS

Tracker Minimum Time Minimum Distance

Leica (AT403)

20ms (0.02)


Leica (AT901)

100ms (0.1)


LeicaLMF (AT9x0)

1ms (0.001)

A performance hit occurs when setting a minimum time value less than 0.01 mm as Time Delta.

0.01 mm

You need to set the 403 min / max settings for 10Hz (901 is 1000 Hz).


For Leica AT9x0 trackers, if you lose communication between PC-DMIS and your AT9x0 tracker, the software displays a Connection Lost message and PC-DMIS goes into a "disconnected" state. Check your cabling or wifi to re-establish communication. Once you re-establish the communication, PC-DMIS returns to Online mode without restarting.