Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Settings Editor > AutoFeatures > DccHPntSearchMode
Current Help System: PC-DMIS Settings Editor (View Core Help)
This registry entry allows you to define search mode that PC-DMIS will use to return the highest point.
If the value is 0 (Box Mode), then the search region for the High Point feature becomes an area specified by the Width (DccHPntRadOutWidth) and Length (DccHPntRadInLength) values.
If the value is 1 (Circular Mode), then the search region for the High Point feature becomes a circular search band specified by Outer Radius (DccHPntRadOutWidth) and Inner Radius (DccHPntRadInLength) values. If a complete circular region is desired, set the inner radius to 0. If a circular search line is desired, set the inner and outer radii to the same value. The highest point along the circumference will be reported.
Entry Name: DccHPntSearchMode
Entry Type: Whole Number to specify Box Mode (0) or Circular Mode (1). The default value is Box Mode (0).
The start point should lie within the search region defined by the Width and Length or Inner Rad and Outer Rad parameters. For the special cases of line searching, the start point will automatically be adjusted to be on the line.