Text Boxes and Text

A text box control is a box in which the user can enter text while the dialog box is displayed. By default, a text box holds a single line of text. Enable support single and multiline text boxes. The last parameter of the textbox function contains a variable to set the textbox style.

Sub Main

Begin Dialog TextBoxSample 16,30,180,96,"Text Boxes and Text"

OKButton 132,20,40,14

CancelButton 132,44,40,14

Text 8,8,32,8,"Text Box:"

TextBox 8,20,100,12,.TextBox1

Text 8,44,84,8,"Multiline Text Box:"

TextBox 8,56,100,32,.TextBox2, 1

End Dialog

Dim Dlg1 As TextBoxSample

Button = Dialog ( Dlg1 )

End Sub

Example Code: How to implement a multiline textbox

Const ES_LEFT= &h0000&'Try these different styles OR-ed together

Const ES_CENTER= &h0001&' as the last parameter of Textbox the change

Const ES_RIGHT= &h0002&' the text box style.

Const ES_MULTILINE= &h0004&' A 1 in the last parameter position defaults to

Const ES_UPPERCASE= &h0008&' A multiline, Wantreturn, AutoVScroll testbox.

Const ES_LOWERCASE= &h0010&

Const ES_PASSWORD= &h0020&

Const ES_AUTOVSCROLL= &h0040&

Const ES_AUTOHSCROLL= &h0080&

Const ES_NOHIDESEL= &h0100&

Const ES_OEMCONVERT= &h0400&

Const ES_READONLY= &h0800&

Const ES_WANTRETURN= &h1000&

Const ES_NUMBER= &h2000&


Sub Multiline

  1. Begin Dialog DialogType 60, 60, 140, 185, "Multiline text Dialog", .DlgFunc

    1. TextBox 10, 10, 120, 150, .joe, ES_MULTILINE Or ES_AUTOVSCROLL Or ES_WANTRETURN' Indicates multiline TextBox

      'TextBox 10, 10, 120, 150, .joe, 1 ' indicates multi-line textbox

      CancelButton 25, 168, 40, 12

      OKButton 75, 168, 40, 12

    End Dialog


    Dim Dlg1 As DialogType

    Dlg1.joe= "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"

    ' Dialog returns -1 for OK, 0 for Cancel

    button = Dialog( Dlg1 )


    'MsgBox "button: " & button

    If button = 0 Then Exit Sub

    1. MsgBox "TextBox: "& Dlg1.joe

End Sub