Disk Stylus Calibration Notes and Procedure

When you perform a discrete hit calibration of a disk stylus on an analog probe with the qualification sphere, you need to use the Measure Probe dialog box and specify the following:

These do not apply for probes that use the Renishaw scan-based calibration.

Make sure that when you define your probe, you model a disk stylus and not a ball stylus. Once you click the Measure button in the Measure Probe dialog box, PC-DMIS automatically recognizes that you have an analog probe with a disk stylus and goes through this procedure:

PC-DMIS then finishes by doing the following in DCC mode:

PC-DMIS also provides two additional registry entries in the PC-DMIS Settings Editor in the ProbeCal section. You can use these to affect the location of the hits on the bottom of the disk stylus during calibration. These registry entries are:

For more information on these registry entries, see the "ProbeCal" section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor documentation.