Importing a CAD File

  1. Select the File | Import | CAD menu option to show an Import dialog box.

If you run PC-DMIS as a standard user, you can also drag and drop one or more supported file types into the Graphic Display window to start the import process.

  1. The file type list filters the current folder by the selected file type. If you select CAD Files, you can choose to import a .cad, .draw, or .plancad file.

  2. Your file to import should have the same measurement units as the measurement routine that takes the import. If the files don't have the same measurement units, you can still import the file, but the measurement routine ends up with incorrect information. For example, if you have a circle with an X value of 4 inches in the file to import, the software imports it as 4 millimeters if the measurement routine that takes the import expects millimeters.

  3. Use the Import dialog box, and navigate to the folder that contains the file to import. Then select the file.

  4. Click Import to import the CAD file.

You can reference one CAD file from more than one measurement routine. For more information on how to reference the CAD file, see the "Importing a CAD by Reference" topic.