Active Probe Information area

Active Probe

This line on the Probing tab displays the current probe file. See "Probe File Name" in the "Defining Hardware" chapter for more information on selecting a different probe file or creating a new probe file name.

Active Tip

This line on the Probing tab displays the current and active tip. See "Active Tip List" in the "Defining Hardware" chapter for more information on the values and selecting, creating, and deleting tips.

The Edit window command line for this option reads:

Probe in Port #

This line on the Probing tab indicates the port number on the probe changer of the probe or stylus that you are currently using. This option is only available if you set up a probe changer.

If you aren't using a probe changer, or if your current probe isn't in a probe changer, then PC-DMIS displays text informing you that your current probe or stylus isn't in the probe changer or that a probe changer isn't being used.

See "Ports Tab" in the "Setting Up Probe Changer Options" topic for information on adding probes or styli to a probe changer.