Angle Offset Base Feature

Angle Offset Base Feature area

The Angle Offset Base Feature area lets you select a feature or alignment from the Feature ID list. The angle where the feature normal matches the machine Z (or where it matches as closely as possible for the hardware configuration) will become the 0 angle on the rotary table. This allows you to rotate to the desired feature or alignment without defining an initial angle. You simply specify the desired feature or alignment. The selected feature or alignment becomes the base feature (or the 0 angle) from which PC-DMIS rotates the table by a relative angle. Relative measurements like these are especially useful in camera-based vision environments where initial starting angles may not be known.

This works for both single and stacked rotary tables.

Feature ID list
This contains all the features and alignments in the measurement routine. It allows you to choose a feature or alignment to which the table will rotate.

This clears the selected feature or alignment.

You can use the MOVE/ROTAB command to rotate the table to the feature or alignment during measurement routine execution. See "Inserting a Move Rotary Table Command" in the "Inserting Move Commands" chapter.