Auto Stats

Auto Stats area

ALWAYS Save Stats to File check box

The ALWAYS Save Stats to File check box allows you to bypass the prompt to save stats data that appears whenever execution of a measurement routine starts with a valid STATS/ON command. The statistical data is automatically saved to the XSTATS11.tmp file if this option is checked and a STATS/ON command exists in the measurement routine when it is executed. See the "Tracking Statistical Data" chapter for more information.

ALWAYS Update Database check box

When the ALWAYS Update Database check box is checked, PC-DMIS updates your statistical database software with the information in the XSTATS11.tmp file. When checked, the software no longer prompts to update the database every time the measurement routine is executed and statistical data is collected and saved. If this option is not checked, PC-DMIS continues displaying this prompt before updating the database software. See the "Tracking Statistical Data" chapter for more information.

For details on the locations of PC-DMIS files, see "Understanding File Locations".