Leitz Interface

The Leitz interface is intended for use on any controller that utilizes the Leitz protocol. This interface includes Brown & Sharpe controllers (such as the Sharpe 32Z in Leitz mode), actual Leitz machines, and Brown & Sharpe Common Firmware controllers. No machine parameter file is needed from the original system to run this interface.

Some of the newer controllers allow the use of TCP/IP communications as an alternative to a serial port. This interface supports either method. Examination and/or modification of the controller communications configuration is generally performed using the service utilities for the machine. You should then configure PC-DMIS to match how the controller is configured.

Before you start PC-DMIS, rename leitz.dll to interfac.dll.

The Machine Options dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Machine Interface Setup) has these tabs for the Leitz interface:

Leitz Protocol Setup tab

See the "Leitz Protocol Setup tab" topic.

Controller tab

See the "Setting the Communication Protocol" topic. The default value is Comm Port 1, 9600 Baud, No parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit.

Wrist tab

See the "Wrist Configuration" topic. The default values are A Resolution = 3600, B Resolution = 3600, A Offset = 0.0, B Offset = 0.0, and Max Speed = 100.

Rotary tab

See the "Rotary Table Settings" topic. The default values are Acceleration = 0.0, Velocity = 20, Resolution = N/A, Offset = 0.0, Min delta = 0.5, Table = Unchecked, and Dual table = N/A.

Oit tab

See the "OIT Communication" topic. The default value is Comm Port 0, 9600 Baud, No parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit.

Axis tab

See the "Setting the Axes Scale Factor" topic.

Params tab

See the "Leitz Params tab" topic.

Debug tab

See the "Generating a Debug File" topic.

Additional information for this interface is provided in the Machine Interface Installation Manual (MIIM).

You can access the MIIM help file from this link:  .