Rotary Table W / Rotary Table V

Rotary Table W area and Rotary Table V area

The Rotary Table W area and the Rotary Table V area let you control up to two rotary tables, table W and table V. PC-DMIS activates the area associated with the currently active rotary table. If you have a stacked rotary configuration, PC-DMIS activates both areas allowing you to type the angle and define the rotation direction for both tables at the same time. See "Defining the Rotary Table".

These areas contain the same options:

Angle box
This defines the angle of the table's rotation.

Rotation Direction list
In the Rotation Direction drop down list you can select the direction you want the table to rotate. Available options are:

Clock Wise: Rotates the table in a clockwise direction until it reaches the angle entered in the Rotate Table Angle box.

Counterclockwise: Rotates the table in a counterclockwise direction until it reaches the angle entered in the Rotate Table Angle box.

Shortest: Rotates taking the shortest route (either Clockwise or Counterclockwise) until it reaches the angle entered in the Rotate Table Angle box.