Simultaneous Move

The Simultaneous Move option allows you to combine the individual movements of the W (rotary axis) and V (swivel axis) axes of a stacked rotary table into a single joint movement.

The result is a faster positioning and thus an overall faster processing of the measurement routine.

This option is only available if you have an FDC and an activated stacked rotary table.

If you select the Simultaneous Move check box, the individual paths of the W and V axes must both have either the SHORTEST direction selected or not selected for the simultaneous movement of the tables. That is, if the Simultaneous Move check box is selected, but one of the axis has the SHORTEST direction selected and the other axis has CLOCKWISE or COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction selected, PC-DMIS executes the rotary table moves one at a time.

If you do not select the Simultaneous Move check box, the software executes the rotary table moves individually.

The V axis (swivel axis) can not rotate 360° due to the software limitations in the FDC configuration. This restriction does not always allow clockwise or counterclockwise movement.