ZssGPIB Interface

The ZssGPIB interface is used with Zeiss machines with RS232 or GPIB based controllers. This interface supports the GPIB Zeiss controller (gray two feet square box). The PH9 is controlled through an RS232 port.

There is also support for a native RS232 connection (Zeiss C99 controller) with this interface whereas the ZSSRS232.DLL drives the ZEISS CMM through the ZEISS UMESS/COMET Software package. Whether PC-DMIS communicates with GPIB or RS232 is determined by the RS232CMM registry entry in the ZEISS section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor. For the native RS232, this should be set to 1. For information on modifying registry entries, see the "Modifying Registry Entries" appendix.

Before you start PC-DMIS, rename the zssgpib.dll to interfac.dll.

The Machine Options dialog box (Edit | Preferences | Machine Interface Setup) has these tabs for the ZssGPIB interface:

PH9 tab

See the "Setting the Communication Protocol" topic. Default value is Comm Port 0, 4800 Baud, No parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit.

Axis tab

See the "Assigning the Machine Axes" topic.

Debug tab

See the "Generating a Debug File" topic.

Additional information for this interface is provided in the Machine Interface Installation Manual (MIIM).

You can access the MIIM help file from this link:  .