Viewing CAD Information

CAD Information display box

The View | CAD Information menu option opens the CAD Information dialog box. This dialog box shows detailed CAD information for any CAD element you select from the Graphic Display window.

If you click on a CAD GD&T Callout, the following occurs:

Datums - This list shows all the datums in the CAD model. You can click on a datum to have the Graphic Display window highlight it and rotate to it.

Characteristic ID - This ID box shows the Characteristic ID for a CAD GD&T object when you click on that CAD GD&T object in the Graphic Display window.

You can also use this box to do case-insensitve searches of CAD GD&T objects. To perform this search, type an ID in the box, and press Tab to have PC-DMIS show the CAD GD&T object with that ID.

You can manually revert an ID to its previous value if you press Esc before the box loses focus. The box loses focus whenever you click on something else you can interact with or if you press Tab or Enter.

Suppose you have some CAD GD&T objects, and two of them have Characteristic IDs of 23 and 125. If you type 2 in this box, PC-DMIS shows the object with 23 in its ID. In this example, both 23 and 125 are partial matches for 2, but 23 is earlier in the list of objects. You can then press Enter to have PC-DMIS show the next partial match of 125.

View - This button causes the selected datum to flash a few times in the Graphic Display window.