
From the Edit | Markings | Mark menu option, you can mark a specified feature or command for execution. By default, whenever you create a new measurement routine, newly added features and commands are already marked for execution. If you select Mark on an already marked item, the marking is cleared.

Subroutines are an exception to unmarked commands. PC-DMIS executes unmarked commands in subroutines whenever subroutines are called. For information on calling subroutines, see "Calling a Subroutine" in the "Branching by Using Flow Control" chapter.

PC-DMIS indicates a marked item using the current Marked Text Color in the Edit window. PC-DMIS also displays an asterisk (*) next to the feature ID in the Graphic Display window. For information on the Marked Text Color, see "Defining Edit Window Colors" in the "Setting your Preferences" chapter.

You can mark features or commands in any of these ways:

If you select Edit | Markings | Parent Mode, and you mark a constructed feature or a dimension, PC-DMIS also marks any related features used in the construction or dimension process.

If you select Edit | Markings | Child Mode, and mark a feature that is used to construct a feature or create a dimension, PC-DMIS also marks any related child features.

Features and commands can be unmarked by repeating one of the above procedures on marked features. To unmark all features, you can select the Clear Marked menu item.

Once an item is marked, specific lines within some items can be unmarked. For example, you can unmark a HIT/BASIC line in a feature. When you unmark such a line, PC-DMIS does not execute that line.

If dimensions are marked after they are executed, PC-DMIS sends the results to the Report window or statistics file based on the dimension output and the report output configuration. For more information, see "Output To" in the "Using Legacy Dimensions" chapter.