Paste With Pattern

The Edit | Paste With Pattern menu item copies any feature (or group of features) on the Clipboard and pastes it into the Edit window at the current insertion point or cursor location. When you do this, PC-DMIS creates new features based on those that were copied to the Clipboard. However, the new features have the previously-defined pattern offsets applied to them. For more information on pattern offsets, see "Pattern".

To paste features using a pattern:

  1. Define the proper offsets in the Pattern dialog box (Edit | Pattern).

  2. If you want to copy and paste one or more auto features and want to use a predefined clearance plane, make sure that you have set CLEARPLANE=ON inside the auto features you are copying.

  3. From the Edit window, select the feature or set of features to offset. Select Edit | Copy to copy them to the Clipboard.

  4. In the Edit window, select where you want to insert the new features.

  5. Select Edit | Paste With Pattern.

The Flip Feature Order check box in the Pattern dialog box works only with auto features and measured features. Also, this works with only these move commands:


PC-DMIS pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the Edit window by the number of times shown in the Number of times to offset box in the Pattern dialog box.

Each time PC-DMIS pastes the Clipboard's contents, the new features are offset with respect to the previously inserted features by the defined pattern offsets.

PC-DMIS draws the new features in the Graphic Display window.

PC-DMIS generates feature IDs based on how the Use default prefix check box in the Pattern dialog box is set.