
The Edit | Find and Replace | Replace option works much the same way as the Find option (see "Find"). Once the text is found, however, you can replace that text by using the Replace dialog box.

Replace dialog box

You can search and replace with any matching string as long as the last part of the string corresponds to an editable field, and as long as it is the only editable field in the string that will be changing.

A Find and Replace Example That Works:


replaced with


Notice that the end of the string corresponds to an editable field. Only the last editable field can be changed from the search string.

A Find and Replace Example That Will NOT Work:

You cannot, for example, replace two editable fields in one replace like this:


cannot be replaced with


because both CIRCLE to LINE is one editable field and NO to YES is another editable field.

Neither can you do something like this:


cannot be replaced with


because the part you want replaced is a constant field.



Find What

Replace With

Match Whole Word Only

Match Case

Pattern Matching

Find Next Button

Replace Button

Replace All Button