Placing and Sizing the Toolbox

Much like the Edit window or the various toolbars available in PC-DMIS, you can dock the Probe Toolbox to the sides of the PC-DMIS application window. You can also float it above other elements.

To dock the Probe Toolbox:

  1. Ensure that the Probe Toolbox is in docking mode. Right-click on the title bar and select Dockable from the shortcut menu.

  2. Select the toolbox's title bar with the mouse.

  3. Drag the toolbox onto the left or right edge of the PC-DMIS application window.

  4. Release the mouse. PC-DMIS docks the toolbox at that location.

To float the Probe Toolbox:

  1. Select the toolbox's title bar with the mouse.

  2. Drag the toolbox out of its docked position on top of the Graphic Display window and release the mouse. While it floats above the Graphic Display window, it is still in docking mode.

  3. Right-click on the title and select Floating from the shortcut menu.

  4. Drag the toolbox to where you want to place it.

  5. Release the mouse. PC-DMIS floats the toolbox at that location.

You can also hold down the Ctrl key while you drag the window to prevent it from docking.

To size the toolbox, select an edge of the toolbox and drag the mouse to a new location.


Docking and Undocking User Interface Elements