
The Edit | Replace menu option displays the Replace dialog box.

Replace dialog box

The Replace dialog box is an extension of the Edit | Find command. It is used to search for a specific term and then replace it with the term entered in the Replace with box.

The Match whole word only check box only matches whole words, not partial matches. For example, if you are looking for "point" and you do not have this check box selected, it may find the sequence of characters inside the words "points" or "pointer".

The Match case check box only finds instances that match the exact case typed into the Find what box. If you typed "point", it would not find "Point" or "POINT" because of their case differences.

The Find Next button searches through the Basic Script Editor and displays the first instance that meets the qualifications entered in the dialog box.

The Replace button is used to replace what has been found (using the Find Next button) with what is in the Replace with box.

The Replace All button is used to replace all instances in the Basic Script Editor that meet the search qualifications with what is in the Replace with box.

The Cancel button closes the Replace dialog box.