Viewing an Inspection Report

You can select View | Inspection Report to open an inspection report that was previously saved in one of these file types:

To open an inspection report:

  1. Select the View | Inspection Report menu option to access the Open dialog box.

  1. From the Open dialog box, navigate to where your reports are stored.

  2. Use the drop-down list to filter by the desired file type.

  3. If the report has an .xls, .xlsx, or .csv filename extension, and you want to use the internal Excel viewer that comes with PC-DMIS, mark the Use internal Excel viewer check box.

  4. Select the desired file to open, and click Open. If you don't have a program associated with the .xls, .xlsx, or .csv file types, or if you marked Use internal Excel viewer, PC-DMIS shows the report in a basic Excel viewer that comes with PC-DMIS. Otherwise, the inspection report displays on the screen in whatever application you have associated with that file type. For information on the basic Excel viewer, see "Using the Excel Viewer" below.

For information on saving an inspection report, see the "Setting Output and Printer Options for the Report Window" topic in the "Using Basic File Options" chapter.

Using the Excel Viewer

The Excel viewer that comes with PC-DMIS provides you with the ability to view and make simple edits to an Excel report (.xls, .xlsx, or .csv file types). With the Excel viewer open, you can work with Excel reports:

    1. Displays an Open dialog box to open a different Excel report.

    2. Saves any changes made to the report.

    3. Displays the standard Windows Print dialog box so you can send the data to a connected printer.

    4. Applies the specified font to any selected text.

    5. Applies the specified point size to the selected font.

    6. Applies a boldface font style to the selected text.

    7. Applies an italic font style to the selected text.

    8. Applies an underline font style to the selected text.

    9. Aligns the selected cell or cells horizontally to the left.

    10. Aligns the selected cell or cells horizontally to the center.

    11. Aligns the selected cell or cells horizontally to the right.

    12. Aligns the selected cell or cells vertically to the top.

    13. Aligns the selected cell or cells vertically to the center.

    14. Aligns the selected cell or cells vertically to the bottom.