Using the Measurement Strategy Widget

The measurement strategy widget lets you change a feature's main parameters for the following items:

By default, the measurement strategy widget appears whenever you create one of those features, and there is no other dialog box open. You can change this default behavior from the Use Measurement Strategy Widget check box in the General tab of the Setup Option dialog box. For more information, see "Use Measurement Strategy Widget" in the "Setting Your Preferences" chapter.

When the measurement strategy widget appears, PC-DMIS creates the feature or features in the Edit window. As you make changes to a feature with this widget, PC-DMIS makes the same changes in the Edit window command.

When the measurement strategy widget is open, you cannot access most other PC-DMIS options. If something isn't available in PC-DMIS that you expect to see, check if the measurement strategy widget is open.

The measurement strategy widget has these components:

Measurement Strategy Widget

  1. Grab bar - The bar on the left is the grab bar. You can reposition the widget with this bar.

  2. [Feature Type] - This icon and the tooltip text represent the feature type (Circle, Cylinder, and so on). During a GD&T selection import, for some features, you can change the feature type. In that case, a drop-down arrow with additional feature choices appears to the right of the icon.

  3. Feature - This text shows the feature's name. You can click the text and type a new name.

  4. Sensor - This is a view-only icon. It represents the type of sensor PC-DMIS needs to measure the feature. A probe icon means PC-DMIS needs to measure the feature with a contact probe sensor.

  5. Strategy - You can use this list to change the selected measurement strategy.

  1. Options - This icon shows this menu of options:

  1. Properties - Click to display the feature's main properties. You can use the values that appear to change those properties. If you want to change other parameters, you can use the Measurement Strategy Editor. If you use the Touch Trigger User-Defined strategy, the Properties shows a Number of Hits display. With this display open, you can click on the CAD model to define where PC-DMIS takes the hits.

  2. Cancel - This closes the widget and removes any features that PC-DMIS created when the widget first opened for the QuickFeature or GD&T callout. It does not remove a feature once you click Apply to confirm its creation.

  3. Apply - This confirms any changes you made to the current feature. If you created only one feature, the widget applies the change and then closes. If you created more than one feature, the widget applies the change to the current feature, and then it shows the next created feature. For QuickFeatures, if you create a new feature and you don't click Apply first, the software applies your feature, and the measurement strategy widget shows your next feature. This also works with multi-QuickFeatures.

  4. Apply All - This confirms any changes you made to all the created features. If you already used the Apply button to modify properties on one or more features, Apply All applies the changes to only the remaining features.