Edit Default Dimension Info

The Edit button for a dimensioned feature (Insert | Dimension) displays the Edit Default Dimension Info dialog box.

Edit Default Dimension Info dialog box

These check boxes determine the type of information to display in the Graphic Display window for each dimension. The available check boxes are:

This check box automatically displays the following information: Measured, Nominal, Tolerances, Deviation, MaxMin, OutTol.

This check box displays the actual measured dimensions.

This check box displays the theoretical values for the dimension.

This check box displays the acceptable tolerance levels either greater than or less than the nominal.

This check box displays the deviation of the measured value from the nominal.

This check box displays the maximum and minimum deviation values from the points that make up the dimension. While can mark this for any dimension, it only makes sense for Line Profile and Surface Profile dimensions. For an example of this, see the "Parameter Settings: Dimension tab" topic of the "Setting Your Preferences" chapter.

This check box displays how far out of tolerance the measured value is from the nominal and tolerance values.

This check box displays the average of all the deviations for the dimension.

This check box displays the standard deviation of all the deviations for the dimension

Number of Points
This check box displays the number of points used to measure the feature of the dimension.

For more in depth information on editing dimensions and on rules governing their creation, see "Inserting Dimension Info Boxes" in the "Inserting Report Commands" chapter. The following five buttons: OK, Cancel, Default, Recall, and Reset all deal with the Edit Default Dimension Info dialog box.


Reset Button