Relationship for Angle Dimensions

The To/From area in the Angle dialog box (Insert | Dimension | Angle) determines the direction of the angle calculation and the resulting sign (positive or negative).

The Relationship area determines whether the Angle dimension can calculate the angle between two features, or between one feature and a particular axis: X axis, Y axis, and Z axis. As soon as you select at least one feature for the Angle dimension, PC-DMIS fills in the boxes next to the option buttons with the computed nominal angle values.

To feature / From feature
Select the To feature option if you are measuring the angle between two features. The second feature will be the datum feature.

To X axis / From X axis
Select the To X axis check box if you are measuring the angle between a feature and the X axis.

To Y axis / From Y axis
Select the To Y axis check box if you are measuring the angle between a feature and the Y axis.

To Z axis / From Z axis
Select the To Z axis check box if you are measuring the angle between a feature and the Z axis.

Supplemental Angle
By default, PC-DMIS uses the angle from feature 1 to feature 2 (or the selected axis). If you want to use the supplemental angle (180 degrees - angle), mark the Supplemental Angle check box.