Tolerances for Position Dimensions

Axes Plus Minus

The Tolerances area in the Position dialog box (Insert | Dimension | Position) enables you to type plus and minus tolerances for each axis found in the Axes drop-down list; it also lets you define certain material condition modifiers.

To enter in axes tolerances:

  1. Select the axis for which you will enter the tolerance.

  2. In the Plus box enter in the plus tolerance value for this axis.

  3. In the Minus box enter in the minus tolerance value for this axis.

  4. Select the materials condition modifiers from the Materials Condition area.

You can set tolerances for multiple axes from the list. PC-DMIS stores your defined tolerances with the selected list item. Even if you select a different item from the Axes list and give it different tolerances, you can switch between the available axes to view and set their individual stored tolerances.



