Nominals Tab

XactMeasure GD&T dialog box - Nominals tab

The Nominals tab in the XactMeasure GD&T dialog box is available for dimensions if the following conditions are met:

For other FCF types or conditions, it remains unavailable.

The Nominals tab contains these items:

Reporting the Size Table (DF axis):


This area defines the Best Fit algorithm and Workplane to use for Profile dimensions.

Profile options for Line Profile dimension

Profile options for Surface Profile dimension

To enable this area, you must meet these conditions:

The Profile area for a Line Profile dimension contains these items:

NO FIT - This does not create an alignment.

For descriptions of LEAST_SQR, VECTOR_LST_SQR, MIN_MAX, and VECTOR_MIN_MAX, see "The Best Fit Alignment Methods" in the "Creating and Using Alignments" chapter.

OPTIMIZED - This fit uses a genetic algorithm to determine if the data passes or fails the Line Profile dimension. You can also specify the lower tolerance value. (Typically, with the other fitting methods, you can't change the tolerance from 0.0.)


When you use the line profile dimension, PC-DMIS creates an internal two-dimensional alignment that rotates and translates in all directions within the selected workplane to minimize the deviations of the individual hits. If you select a workplane that differs from the two-dimensional projection of the curve, an incorrect calculation results.

The Profile area for a Surface Profile dimension contains these items:

NO FIT - This does not create an alignment.

For descriptions of LEAST_SQR, VECTOR_LST_SQR, MIN_MAX, and VECTOR_MIN_MAX, see "The Best Fit Alignment Methods" in the "Creating and Using Alignments" chapter.

Iterate and RePierce CAD

This area only appears for Profile dimensions in the case of form only. This area lets you control whether or not an iterate and re-pierce operation occurs and what Tolerance and Max Iterations values to use. PC-DMIS internally uses an alignment to try to match theoretical and measured hits.

For more information on this area, see the information on the same Iterate and RePierce CAD area in "Description of the Best Fit Alignment Dialog Box" in the "Creating and Using Alignments" chapter.