OCR Widget

PC-DMIS uses this widget to import GD&T tolerances from a drawing with Optical Character Recognition (OCR). The widget appears if you select either GD&T Selection Mode (from Capture) (GD&T Selection Mode (from 
 Capture)) or GD&T Selection Mode (from File) (GD&T 
 Selection Mode (from File)) from the Graphic Modes toolbar. For information on the Graphic Modes toolbar, see "Graphic Modes Toolbar" in the "Using Toolbars" chapter.

There are often multiple steps with instructions on the OCR widget for a given GD&T tolerance definition. For example, you often need to first select a datum feature (or features) from the CAD model and later select the considered feature (or features). These instructions and your selections occur across multiple steps.

OCR Widget

OCR Widget for the highlighted GD&T tolerance

  1. This handle lets you drag and reposition the widget.

  2. Feature - This box defines the name of the GD&T tolerance.

  3. Back - This button only appears if there are multiple GD&T tolerances on a .pdf page or a capture of multiple tolerances, and you have skipped one or more of them with the Skip button. If you then click Back, the software returns to the skipped tolerance and highlights it in the Selection Preview window.

  4. Skip - This button appears with a .pdf import or with a capture of more than one GD&T tolerance. By default, for each tolerance, you define the datums first (or datum targets). In this case, this button skips the current datum definition (or datums target definition). Once you move onto defining the rest of the GD&T tolerance, this button skips the highlighted GD&T tolerance. It then highlights the next available GD&T tolerance on a .pdf page or capture. For a file import, if there's only one GD&T tolerance on a page, the software asks if you want to proceed to the next page. If there are no more .pdf pages with GD&T tolerances, the software asks if you want to exit the GD&T import process. For an imported file, if you need to go back to a skipped item on a previous page, you must start the file import again.

  5. Cancel - This button cancels the OCR process and closes the OCR widget and the Selection Preview window.

  6. Apply - This button accepts the selected datum targets or features for the GD&T tolerance and moves onto the next part of the import or onto the next tolerance.

  7. This field shows the instructions for the current step. You need to use QuickFeatures to select the indicated feature in the Graphic Display window.

  8. Previous - This button goes back one step.

  9. Remove - This button removes the selected feature from the current step.

  10. Next - This button accepts the selection for the step and goes to the next step in the definition. This button becomes enabled once you've defined the minimum number of features. The temporary callout in the Graphic Display window updates as you progress through the definition:

Temporary callout

Temporary callout

  1. These dots show the number of steps to define one or more datums or to define a single GD&T tolerance. The white dot indicates the current step.

  2. Pause (not pictured) - The Pause button (Pause button) only appears if your selection or file contains datum targets. The software enables this button once you have defined all the various datum target points and the widget shows "Datums Target Definition Completed". This button pauses the GD&T import process so that you can use PC-DMIS to finalize datum definitions from your datum targets. This button is useful because datum creation from datum targets can be a complex process. You may need to construct features or create alignments or do other work in PC-DMIS. The Pause button gives you nearly full access to PC-DMIS to do that work. Once you finalize the datum definitions from the datum targets, you can click Resume (Resume button) to continue the GD&T import process.