Changing a Template's Preview Thumbnail Icon

Whenever you create a report or label template, PC-DMIS automatically creates a thumbnail-sized preview of that template based on what appears on the template's initial page or section.

This thumbnail preview appears whenever you attempt to edit a template and access the Open dialog box (Select File | Reporting | Edit | Report Template or Label Template).

A sample Open dialog box showing several report template preview icons

A sample Open dialog box showing several report template preview icons

If you want to use a custom image file instead of the default generated preview for a template, you can do this within the Open dialog box.

To Change a Template's Preview Thumbnail:

  1. Select the template file from the Open dialog box.

  2. Click the Change Preview button. The Template Image Selection dialog box appears.

  3. Select the Select Image from File option button.

  4. Click OK. Another Open dialog box appears allowing you to select a preexisting image file.

  5. Navigate to the directory containing either a .bmp or .jpeg file, select the image file, and click Open. PC-DMIS uses the selected image for your preview.

An example showing Test1.rtp with a bitmap image

An example showing Test1.rtp with a bitmap preview image