Reporting Toolbar

Reporting toolbar

The Report window's Reporting toolbar performs these functions:

  1. Redraw the Report Redraw the Report - Redraws and updates the report with newly added changes. If you modify the current report template, label template, or custom report, or your measurement routine changes, click this icon to redraw and update your report to use the newly-modified template or new data from your measurement routine.

  2. Preview Pane - Opens and closes a pane of thumbnail images so that you can preview the report. Each image on the pane corresponds to a page on the report. For more information, see "Working with the Preview Pane" in this chapter.

  1. Template Selection Dialog Template Selection - Displays a dialog box that allows you to manage your templates and select a template from which to generate your report output. For more information, see "Applying or Removing a Report Template".

  2. Custom Report Selection - Displays a dialog box that allows you to create a new blank custom report or open an existing custom report. For more information, see "Creating Custom Reports".

  3. Print the Report Print Report - Prints the report based on the output settings defined for the Report window. For information on defining your output, see "Setting Output and Printer Options for the Report Window" in the "Using Basic File Options" chapter.

  4. Set this Report as the Default Report Set this report as the default report - Sets the current template on the screen as the new default template for your current measurement routine. PC-DMIS automatically uses the defined default report template whenever you open your measurement routine at a later date. Initially, this default report is set to TEXTONLY.RTP.

The drop-down menu next to this icon lets you set a default report without having to load it first. It displays all the saved report layouts.

To set the default report, select the item from this list. PC-DMIS places the check mark next to it to indicate it as the new default report. The currently loaded report is indicated by a bold font.

For example, in the above image, the check mark indicates TextOnly.rtp as the default report and CADOnly.rtp as the current loaded report.

If you select No default report then nothing appears in your Report window the next time you load the measurement routine and access the Report window.

Setting a Default Report for All Measurement Routines

If you want to set a default report for all measurement routines, use the PC-DMIS Settings Editor, access the FileMan section, and set the DefaultReportTemplate registry entry to the name of the report template you want to use. For information on registry entries, see the "Modifying Registry Entries" appendix.

  1. Save Layout Add Template to Toolbar - Saves the current report template or custom report as a stored report, and a new stored report icon A saved layout icon appears on the toolbar with the same name as your template or custom report to the right of the standard report icons. When you click the added icon, the Report window automatically uses the saved template or custom report to display your report.

  2. View Report Mode View Report Mode - Generates the report from the first command to the last command in the measurement routine, regardless of how PC-DMIS last executed the measurement routine.

  3. View Last Execution Report Mode Last Execution Report Mode - Shows only those items executed in the most recent measurement routine execution. It also shows the commands in the same order in which they were executed. If commands are executed multiple times due to a loop, it shows those multiple executions as well.

The SaveExecuteList registry entry in the Reporting section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor determines whether or not this information is retained when you later re-open your measurement routine. By default, this functionality is enabled.

Partial Executions and Last Execution Report Mode

If you perform partial executions, PC-DMIS appends the reported items to the execute list, potentially causing items to be reported that you don't need reported. You can clear out any partially-executed items from the stored execute list by performing a full execution.

  1. View Last Saved Report - Restores the saved report data to what it was at the time it was last locked. This includes the execute list, temporary modifications made, and the mode that was last used (either Report Mode or Last Execution Report Mode).

  1. Set the Report Magnification
    Selecting an item from this list sets the report's magnification in the Report window. The zoom level doesn't affect how the report prints out, but you may find these options helpful when previewing the report or determining what template to use.

  1. Lock the Report - Locks the Report window so that modifications can't be made to any reports in the window. In addition, whenever you click this icon, PC-DMIS saves the following:

You can restore this saved information by clicking the View Last Saved Report icon.

PC-DMIS shows the icon as "pressed" to indicate it is locked:

Also, with the Report window locked, the mouse pointer changes to this symbol whenever you move the mouse over the window to indicate that the report is in a locked state and cannot be modified:

You can still scroll, print, and view items in the Report window, but you cannot make any modifications to any report until you unlock the window by clicking the icon again.

  1. Save - Saves the edited custom report with the same name. PC-DMIS enables this button if you enter edit mode with Edit report below.

  2. Save As - Saves the custom report with a new name. PC-DMIS enables this button if you enter edit mode with Edit report below.

  3. Save/Print the Report - Displays a Report Output dialog box where you can save the report as a .pdf, .rtf, or .txt file or send it to the default printer.

  1. Edit report - If your report is a custom report, this opens your report in edit mode. If your report is one of these supported template reports (Text Only, Text and CAD, CAD Only, or CAD-Only Landscape), the software converts it into a custom report first, and then the software enters edit mode.

    Be aware that template conversion does not support data from loops.

    For information on editing custom reports, see "Editing or Deleting Custom Reports". For information on custom reports and how to create them, see "Creating Custom Reports".

  1. Text Only

  2. Text and CAD

  3. CAD Only

  4. Graphical Analysis

  5. CAD-Only Landscape

  6. PPAP

  7. Plain Text

  8. Text and CAD Out of Tolerance

  9. Form Plot

  10. Default

  1. This style of icon, if found to the right of the Default icon, depicts a modified report template that has been saved to the toolbar. You can use the Report Template Editor to modify existing templates or create new ones. For more information, see "Understanding the Report Template Editor".

  2. This style of icon, if found to the right of the Default icon, depicts a custom report that has been saved to the toolbar. For information on custom reports, see "Creating Custom Reports".

Customizing and Restoring the Toolbar

You can add your own templates or custom reports to the toolbar by using the Add Template to Toolbar icon discussed above. When you add a report to the toolbar, a new icon for that report or template appears on the right side of the toolbar. Each new icon you add represents a stored custom report or custom report template.

The Reporting toolbar only resides within the Report window. You need to access the Report window to see it. You cannot select it from the toolbar area of the main PC-DMIS interface.